In this digitized age, it is not enough to be well-intentioned. A well-intentioned brand only exists in the virtual sphere if it is well-positioned. Of course, marketing has a huge role to play in it. But what can you, as the face of your personal brand, do to ensure that you express yourself and your purpose in the most efficient manner possible?
I’ve got a check-list for you!
Does your vision and mission translate well to your target audience? You could be working day and night towards the greater good and it could still go unnoticed if your Professional Purpose is not expressed in a crisp, concise and attractive manner. Find an effective channel of expression and translate the bare essence of your purpose so that it impacts the right people. It is equally important to understand your audience so that you can ensure that you are using the right terms of expression.
We all have a story to tell. Whether you are just starting out or have had experience in a different corporate sector before, make the best use of your experience so you can put your best face forward each morning while growing your empire. It is important to have a story that aligns with your personal brand. Brownie points for stories that have a cause and effect, the effect being the ultimate purpose of your personal brand.
In order to position your brand effectively in the social sphere, you have to listen to your target audience. What are the issues they are facing? How does your brand solve them? How is your existence making their lives better? Practice empathy and use that knowledge to propel your brand forward.
Today, it is not just enough to have an account on every social platform available. You are only discoverable if you cut through volumes of content that is pumped online every single day. Use your uniqueness and funnel through the noise to reach the right people. Community building can only be done if you offer something interesting to your audience. Understand how you can educate and entertain your audience and have a marketing strategy ready.
Have a presentable image of you in professional attire that you can forward whenever the need arises. Make sure your look is not too serious, but you don’t really want to be channeling your inner Willy Wonka either. Get a couple of professional head-shots and your personal brand will receive a professional touch immediately!
Your personal brand is extremely important because it not only represents what your work stands for, but also who you are in the professional sphere. Having a reputation that is composed and put together will put you on the fast track to success relatively faster.
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Are you someone who has a wardrobe full of clothes and accessories but every time you have somewhere to go, you feel like you don’t have anything to match the occasion ?
Wardrobe Consultation is the perfect solution for you.
Learn how to Declutter effectively and shop within your closet before heading out to the stores to swipe your card ! Once you own the items that represent only the Authentic you, understand the art of mixing and matching your clothes and using accessories to get creative and wow others every time you step out of the house. Learn how to organize and store your garments and accessories so that you are always aware of every piece that you own and nothing gets forgotten and pushed at the back of the closet !
Have you recently lost a ton of weight or are someone who is a jet setter who is too busy to shop for clothes? Or are you someone who feels that every time you go shopping for clothes, you end up buying pieces that never get worn?
Our Personal Shopping Services will help you identify and invest in pieces that not just suit your personality but are also well within your preferred budget. We assist you in investing in the pieces that fit your body and personality which will make you look stylish on the outside and feel confident on the inside.
Transitioning from the Campus to Corporate life can be quite a challenge for some students. We ensure that this process is smooth and hassle free for graduates.
We facilitate group sessions for the students where they can learn….
How to create lasting first impressions
How to fine-tune their etiquette skills
How to refine their communication skills
How to dress professionally
How to participate and appear confident in group discussions
The sales and marketing teams of any organisation are the ones that come in contact with your clients the most and hence need to make powerful First Impressions that would help in establishing trust and ultimately winning the business of the client.
This workshop enables the teams to
Understand the key elements that play a major role in forming first impressions
Dress appropriately for client meetings
Be an effective communicator
Be influential ambassadors for the company
Accelerate their work results and influence
Build and maintain a positive rapport with the clients
A combination of personal traits and outward behaviors that creates an image of leadership competence and trustworthiness among the peers is what executive presence is all about.
Our group sessions on Executive Presence covers the following..
Power Dressing simplified
Stand out, get noticed and display authority
Be persuasive and influential
Communicate effectively and efficiently
Build rapport with peers and clients
Entertain clients and dignitaries with the right etiquette and ease.
Certain Organizations sometimes face a challenge on how to go about defining the right Dress Code for their employees from various diverse social and cultural backgrounds. Our Corporate Image Management solutions include an in-depth understanding of the vision of the organization and its branding. We then combine this knowledge with our own expertise in appearance management and offer a customised solution in terms of a dress code policy that aligns perfectly with the Brand Image of the company while keeping in mind the comfort of the employees. We also facilitate group sessions for the employees where they are trained in different aspects of Image Management and Etiquette.
Ideal for Fashion Brands who want to showcase their products and collections by creating interesting and unusual Images for their clients on various digital and social media platforms. We understand the aesthetic and core values of the brand as well as the story they want to tell via the products and then offer styling solutions that their target audience would relate and connect to as well as appreciate, ultimately leading to increased sales of the said products.